Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Polycontrast Interence Photography (PIP) Photo of Quantum Pendant by Master Bahauddin Yap.


Disclaimer :
These products are not a medical device, and not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease.

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Before" and "After" Pictures From Live Blood Test At Philippines Convention, 06 February 2010.

At the Philippines FusionExcel National Convention held on 06th February 2010, Dr Romer Macalinao, Author of "Healing Potential Of Scalar Energy" and currently writing his second book "Scalar Energy Oxygen Effect" together with technician Audie Leonie conducted a "Before" and "After" Live Blood Analysis with FusionExcel's Quantum Pendant using a high powered digital microscope with CCTV camera mounting.

The results were astounding! The "Before" picture showed that the volunteer's red blood cells were clumped, with no plasma space and restricted flow. After wearing FusionExcel's Quantum Pendant for only 10 minutes, the "After" picture showed that the volunteer's red blood cells were unclamped and rounded, with improved plasma space and better flow!

According to Dr Romer, there is immediate improvement of blood circulation, cellular detoxification and blood sugar regulation.
See more information of the FE Quantum Products @ http://quantumpendant-fe.webs.com/

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Danger of Modernism Today Pose Health Hazard

. . . protecting yourself from electro-magnetic frequency

Throughout our generations in this life of modernism, we have seen all sorts of transition of technology such as VHS to VCD to DVD, television, computers, laptops, microwave oven, telephones to cell phones, satellites dish, movies on ipods, cars that talk, gps machines that can locate your exact location anywhere in the world, and so many other. Because we have grown up in this ever changing environment we are able to adapt and integrates all types of advances into our lives and sometimes its already part of our normal lives.

Never mind of the danger posing health hazard issues affected by EMF “electro-magnetic frequencies” posed by all electro-magnetic systems, because EFM are hidden things in all use of modern technologies that uses electro magnetic force. While we enjoy the use of all this gadgets and technology, it has an immediate effect to consume our energy drowning by manmade signals in a city environment. Energy is an important factor in the function of our bodies. We often say, "I am lacking energy" or "I wish I had more energy. Scalar energy cancels the disruption of these signals and gives the human body the same resonance as that of the Earth. The Scalar Energy from Quantum Pendant protects everyone from the danger of EMF.

What is Scalar Energy? The Scalar Energy is created when two common electromagnetic waves come together from two different converging vectors or angles; where the energy vectors meet the equal frequencies cancel each other leaving a standing or stationary energy. The space the scalar occupies is not a vacuum but alive with checked and balanced energies. The literature describes that it can be created by electromagnetic generators or naturally when similar frequency waves in the environment meet from two different vectors. Therefore, small random scalar energies are always present in the environment.

The Quantum Pendant energy resonates into the liquid where it ‘picks up’ the resonance. The resonance generated is similar to that which is found in the earth surrounding many healing spring waters of the world. Much research is now focused on this fact as 70% of our bodies are made of water and it is important to nourish the body with the correct molecular structured water.

The Scalar Energy Pendant works by radiating natural scalar energy which enters the body of the wearer and get distributed to the areas in need of an energy balance. Scalar energy has definite positive effects on the body including:

  1. Increasing the energy level of every single cell in the body by facilitating the entry of nutrients and elimination of wastes from the cells.
  2. Converting the water in the body to become smaller molecules (micro-clusters) which has better dissolving, cleansing and healing powers.
  3. Neutralizing the harmful effects of external electro-magnetic radiation.
  4. Reducing inflammation.
  5. Improving brain power by increasing mental focus, enhancing creativity and calming the mind.

The Quantum Pendant is a natural energy generating device which improves the metabolic and circulatory functions of the body to achieve optimal holistic health. The active ingredients inside the Pendant comprise of over 70 different natural minerals extracted from volcanic rocks which are then recombined using nanotechnology and heat fusion methods. Energy medicine sees human beings as networks of complex energy fields that interface with the physical and cellular systems of the body and uses specialized forms of energy to positively affect those energetic systems that may be out of balance. Yes, we can still enjoy the use of all this modern technology in protecting ourselves from EMF by wearing Scalar Energy of Quantum Pendant.

Check more information on the health benefits and protects everyone including children from the danger of EMF at the following websites: http://www.quantumpendant-fe.webs.com/ http://sites.google.com/site/scalarenergytechnology/

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